07 June 2021

June 7th

 The actual first day of hiking the AT was June 7th, 1974.  Wearing long pants was not a smart thing to do, but I was just 18 years old, and while I had lots of experience backpacking, most of my trips were in the Mid-Atlantic States.  It got hot there, but nothing like the south.

 My first night on the trail was under a plastic tarp since the shelter was occupied.  While the approach trail was 8 miles or so, the shelter was 1/2 mile north on the AT.


There were other hikers nearby, so in some cases I could get someone to take a photo, although my Olympus 35RC had  a timer to get "selfies."  You need to remember I backpacked the AT in 1974-75 BC (before cell phones).

I hadn't mastered the light meter so many shots are dark.  Also these are all scans from 35mm Slides from the period.  Remember slide projectors?