21 July 2021

Howard Johnson LT in Daleville VA and AT

 One of the nicer LTs on the trail. Running water, AC, restaurant and a swimming pole.  I am sure the vacationers looked at us as bums with our backpacks, dirty clothes and smelly bodies.  Had several hot, hot hiking days.

This is the location of a serious relocation after 1950.  This of course is post Earl Shaffer's famed through hike in 1948.  He would have branched south from McAfee Knob (yes the famed view).

And the (newer) trail north followed Tinker Mountain.  Did I say it was hot.

For an excellent study on the trail relo see 

After the HOJO LT, we had this section of trail to look forward to.

Map courtesy of the Jefferson National Forest in Virginia.