07 July 2021

A Zero in Damascus

 Slept late (8:00 am), wrote 10 post cards to friends.  Cooked dinner to save money.

"It's hot today."

So to talk briefly about money.

I figure it cost me $2,000 to hike 2,000 mile or a dollar a mile.  This of course is 1974/75 dollars but I need to report it was also my gear!  $100 for my pack, same for my sleeping bag.  $11 for my SVEA 123 stove and so on.  My 35 mm camera (Olympus 35RC) was a gift from my dad.  I shot 35mm slides and got prepaid mailers to send along the trail and had the slides sent home. This is important since I probably only shot 300 slides along the trip not the gazillion folks do today.

Here is an example of a slide that I scanned recently showing the border.

Used a timer of course to get the "selfy."