12 June 2020

June 12th, 1975

This is the date I completed hiking the entire Appalachian Trail, some 2,017 or 2,054 or what ever.  The length frequently changed over 1974 and 1975 due to numerous relocations.

I finished my hike on US Route 20 in Massachusetts, in the rain of course.  Here is a shot of the hiker bridge over the Mass Pike (I-90) and my pack with rain cover along Route 20, just a bit north of the Pike.

My hike through Connecticut and Massachusetts northbound was without a trail guide and I just used gas station road maps.  But despite this, and lots of road walking, I covered 20 miles a day.

I attempted to hitch into Lee Massachusetts to catch a bus back to Maryland, but no one would pick up a wet hiker.

Arriving home about midnight, I then began the rest of my life.