24 September 2018

National Trail System Act - 50 Years!

The National Trails System Act of 1968, as amended, calls for establishing trails in both urban and rural settings for people of all ages, interests, skills, and physical abilities. The act promotes the enjoyment and appreciation of trails while encouraging greater public access. It establishes four classes of trails: national scenic trails, national historic trails, national recreation trails, and side and connecting trails. (NPS, 2018)

The public law, published on 2 October 1968, is found here.

An AT sign in Massachusetts.

This is Katie, my hiking companion in the early nineties, at a the Stratton Pond Shelter in Vermont.

And Brindle around 1980 at a shelter in Pennsylvania or Maryland.

When not in a shelter, my Gerry Lodgepole tent worked wonders. (this in Virginia)

What wonderful memories thanks to the National Trail System Act!