01 April 2024

Trump Prepares for Earth Day

 Mr. Trump is planning to host several Earth Day Events around the country.  In this action he hopes to garner support of the Sierra Club, NRA and most Republicans.

He is suspected of quoting that Earth Day was his idea in the late 1960s, back in his days as a young Democrat. Trump was registered as a Democrat for more than eight years in the 2000s, according to New York City voter records made public during his 2016 campaign for president (Moody, Chris. “Donald Trump: 'I Probably Identify More as Democrat' - CNNPolitics.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 July 2015).

His Earth Day Festivities include passing out free organic plants at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida. samples of legal cannabis in San Francisco, California and free coupons worth $10 for electric cars charging in Texas. Since he is not sure of the legal status of his Trump Tower in NYC, he is offering a bake sale there to raised funds for his legal bills.

Trump reports "Earth Day is a big thing, and I want my American friends to know that it was my idea and that we should support big companies like me who can make a difference."

Others disagree.