24 April 2023

Recollecting memories on the AT

 Here is a quandary.

How to identify the location of a photograph that is nearly 50 years old?  My photo.

The slide is simply labeled "StretchoutTN."

So according to my journal entry (side notes) I report "1 pic of group resting on road."  That was 5 July 1974, when we hiked from Van Deventer LT to Rich Knob LT.  Given those anchors it must have been Rt 91 where the 1974 trail crossing looks like this. (USGS Doe 24000)

The trail guide and map we used shows the trial as above, that is hitting the road and then descend to RT 91.  This is also described in the guide number 24, ATC, 1963.  Interestingly though the fifth edition (1976) map show the trail heading north to RT91 through the letter "T" in (m)ountain just west of the word "camp" that is further west of the gap.

Using Streetview, I can get this picture.

This newer pic shows an old wood road on the right (trail south) and I am suspecting this is where our party of me, Ralph, Don and Pete, dried off.

In the Appalachian Trailway News (May 1973) it states " Relocations at the south end of Sec 2. and the north end of Sec 3 have been reported previously."  Section 3 is trail south (right) in the photo,

So it appears I may have the correct location.

I am presently using GoogleStreetview to see the road crossings we encountered in 1974 or 75.