02 July 2022

Summer (hectic) travel

 Read an AP story this morning in the paper (yes a hardcopy paper) titled "European travel runs into pandemic cutbacks."  Heavy traffic and Covid 19 precautions.

I haven't flown since September 2021 but reading this has made me even more reluctant.

Essentially all of my flight travel depends on connecting flights.  I also know that weather, both summer and winter can create a tremendous strain on flights.

My strategy, especially in the winter is to fly early in the morning.  Basically you insure the plane is at the airport from the previous night and all that is needed is the deicing.  Still may have delays at a connecting airport, but that is where the airport lounge comes in handy.

Summer time opens us other weather related delays.  I recall hopping a ride from College Station TX to Waco in a thunderstorm to hopefully connect a flight to Dallas-Fort Worth.

Did I tell you about missing my flight in San Juan since I was getting a chair message?

So long story short.  If you connect, give yourself plenty of time so you don't need to do a OJ Simpson run through the airport (can't do that anyway due to TSA).