05 June 2022

Wet Boots on the Appalachian Trail (5 June 75)

 Anyone who hikes the AT should expect wet boots, 60% of the time.  On the 5th of June in 1975, I had been trailing several thru hikers and just could not catch up to them.  So I spent many days alone.

"When will the rain stop?"

At this point of my trip I shared my concern about hiking in Connecticut and Massachusetts without maps and a guidebook, but figured I would ask other hikers to see theirs.

oh yeah, Farmers Mill LT leaked.

Here is a recent map of Fahnestock State Park.

Lots of trail relos were in the future for this area of the AT in New York.  Google AT in NY in the 1980s to read more about the relocations.  Lots of interesting stuff.  Kudos to the ATC for making it happen.