09 April 2020

Easyjet shareholders get £174 million dividends as airline appeals for taxpayer support

We certainly are not all in this together. (see Red Green wisdom)

Airlines are really being hit, I get it.  Nobody wants to ride in a tube with other (infected) people.  And we shouldn't be travelling anyway.

But when an airline sends out dividends totaling 174 million pound sterling ($US 215 Million), something is wrong here.

People should get something from their investments, but to give out that much money, and then get (ask for) loan money to bail them out....Come on folks.... we need to pull in our purse strings, suck it up and maybe not order caviar for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Keep employees employed and maybe the stock holders should not expect a huge payout.

UK Labour MP David Lammy described the move as “greedy super capitalism at its worst”.