07 November 2018

Appalachian Trail Corridor Monitoring

Time to hit the woods to do boundary monitoring for the National Park Service lands protecting the Appalachian Trail.  I am taking a bunch of students from my Recreation Geography class and joining them will be a few from my Site Planning Studio.

Should be a great day and I hope the weather holds out.

We have two tasks that day.  First will be a quick visit to a cultural resource in Sheffield.  Basically we just need to continue with the photo inventory to make sure the site is not being disturbed.

Next we will head up to Tyringham to do some corridor monitoring.  I have two tracks and haven't decided which one to visit, but in any case our job will be to find these monuments that mark the NPS lands.

So what is monitoring?  Well I created a few YouTube Clips.  The best overall description is this one.

Video 2.

Video 3.

One made in jest is found last.

I will probably make a new one this weekend.