26 April 2018

For Sale $8.9 million house in Category 1 Hurricane flood zone

Water front property is the dream of many, but if you buy land on the Cape of Cod, Massachusetts, your waterfront may be underneath you.  Compare these two images.

The first is from Zillow.com and shows today's listing for properties in Cape Cod.  For $8.9 million you can buy a 4 Bedroom, 6 Bathroom (?!?!), cottage (nearly 8,000 square feet).

But if you research this a bit, the Cape Cod Commission notes the location of flooding from a modest Category 1 Hurricane.

Not to be fair, will the hurricane happen?  Maybe and maybe not.  Is the house high enough to reduce the damage from a small hurricane?  Perhaps.  My estimates are just based on a quick look using the imagery and not a ground survey. 

But in any case, the Cape of Cod will cease to exist in the future (10,000 years) according to a report in the New York Times.