25 October 2017

Fear and Fright Tourism

What kind of fears do people have?  Do you think people who visit haunted attractions are fearless?  Or do they know (believe) that the haunted house will be scary but ultimately safe.  Last Hallowe'en we asked that question to visitors to Demented FX in Holyoke, MA.

Fear N Mean SD
Crime (Murder, rape, theft, fraud) 171 5.80 2.86
Government (Corruption, privacy, immigration, trust, control) 170 6.07 3.22
Human-caused Disasters (Climate change, terrorism, war, environmental disaster) 171 7.01 2.53
Natural Disasters (Earthquakes, droughts, floods, hurricanes) 169 5.87 2.70
Personal Phobias (Tight spaces, darkness, insects) 166 5.42 3.17
Personal Health (Death, illness, injury) 166 5.33 3.04
Financial Future (Running out of money, loss of jobs, housing) 167 6.72 2.90
Technology (Artificial intelligence, invasion of privacy, cyber terrorism, drones) 167 4.50 2.98

Note: Scale 1-10 with ten most frightful.