Next February at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in NYC, you can find these sessions:
Proposed RTS Sessions
1. "When 'the Rest' enters'the West': (Re-)Negotiating identities in touristic settings". Sybille Frank
2. Developing tourism by indigenous people in indigenous areas and challenges. Anne-Marie d'Hauteserre
3. Managing ethical consumption in tourism: Compromise and tension. Karla Boluk and Clare Weeden
4. (Im)mobilities of dwelling: Places and Practices. Sybille Frank, Lars meier & Silke Steets
5. Film/TV/ Media and tourism. Daniel Knudsen
6. Rural and Peripheral Tourism. Patrick Brouder
7. Moral encounters in tourism. Mary Conran & Kevin Hannam
8. Biopower in tourism. Amy Gray and Claudio Minca
9. Tourism Geographies and Global Climate Change. Jarkko Saarinen and Alison Gill
10. Round Table Discussion: Enclave tourism. Dimitri Ioannides
11. Tourism post-9/11. Anne-Marie d'Hauteserre
12. Dark tourism. Rudi Hartmann
13. Historical geography of the environment. National parks and protected areas. Yolonda Youngs & Terence Young
14. Privatization and bio-conservation: exploring social/ecological trends.
Jason Abdilla and Melissa Wiggins