30 March 2010

Travel jobs Pros and Cons

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs as a travel agent are declining.

Travel agents n=105,300, projected change from 2008-2018 n=-1,200, percent change = -1%

Why? Demand for the services of travel agents is expected to decline with the increasing ability of travelers to arrange their own trips online. But demand for some specialized services is expected to grow. Job seekers with formal training should have the best opportunities.

What is the good news?

Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks n=230,200, projected change from 2008-2018 n=31,500, percent change = 14%

Faster than average growth. As the economy improves, travel is expected to increase and developers are expected to open more hotels. Job prospects for these clerks should be favorable.

What other jobs are growing? Airline pilots, drivers. Just check out the bls.gov website!