Soon to be a major motion picture.....Not.
Introduction: Foundational Aspect of Sense in Tourism, available at Introduction: Foundational Aspect of Sense in Tourism | Sensory Tourism
The human dimensions of leisure behavior.
Soon to be a major motion picture.....Not.
Introduction: Foundational Aspect of Sense in Tourism, available at Introduction: Foundational Aspect of Sense in Tourism | Sensory Tourism
Seems the parking lot is closed at the Blue Lagoon due to lava flows, but here are some pics of the area from my previous visits.
and then some pics from the Silica Hotel that we stayed in.
Here is your chance to get the new book for your personal and/or school library.
Like in all forms of tourism inputs, sensory elements influence the experience in many ways. Each sense may be highlighted for a particular type of tour, yet the other senses are always in the background and contribute to an opportunity for a multisensory event. For example, in culinary tourism, taste of a meal or the gustation may be in the forefront, yet the others can contribute to the enjoyment (or displeasure). Tasting unique cuisine is enhanced by the visual attractiveness of the setting, the tactile feeling of the food, the aroma lifting from the plate and the chatter in the setting from the kitchen.
November is a great time for hikes. Except for hunters*, there are few bugs, and the temperatures are great.
Here some shots from AMC Noble View and map.
Take a hike.
* No hunting on Sunday's in Massachusetts, Yeah!
Worth repeating.
What this election in 2024 is really about is Freedom.
The freedom NOT to be challenged by your race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.