23 July 2010

stress and air flying

One thing I notice is that I get to read USA Today when I travel. The hotels dump a copy at my door every morning and I get a sound byte of news.

Yesterday was no different while I was in Easton Maryland. One article that caught my attention was about rudeness on airplane flights. See http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2010-07-22-airplaneetiquette22_CV_N.htm for the fun details.

I have to admit that I get annoyed by crying babies and folks jamming their seat back into my lap. The whole experience is frustrating. I do try to remain calm. After all, the paranoia in the States has meant that some poor TSA employee gets to smell my shoes.

Since airlines are nickel and diming (sp?) us to make payroll, the planes are smaller and full, fewer routes are available, we are at the mercy of the airlines.

So, stay calm, get to the airport in plenty of time, bring a book to read and enjoy the flight!